Museum Made of Paper 1978

July 20, 2014

As we moved out of the old Alaska State Museum, this was found in the education supplies.  McGraw-Hill published this in 1978 as an Instructo Learning Center Teaching Guide called, “A Field Trip to An Art Museum.”  I’m ready to pass it on to someone passionate for this sort of ephemera.  I’ll cover US postage and mail it.  Some reassembly required.

For scale, my kid is 6 years old.  Target audience is grades 4-6

For scale, my kid is 6 years old. Target audience is grades 4-6

Pieces punch out paper doll style

Pieces punch out paper doll style

floor of the gallery plus outdoor sculpture garden

floor of the gallery plus outdoor sculpture garden

Tab A in slot B kinda thing

Tab A in slot B kinda thing

There are Registrar files, and credit is given for each of the artworks owners

There are Registrar files, and credit is given for each of the artworks owners

Art education and museology circa 1978

Art education and museology circa 1978

I especially love the Spirit Duplicating Masters from the ditto machine days

I especially love the Spirit Duplicating Masters from the ditto machine days

Check out the cool Registrar File

Check out the cool Registrar File

Exterior and front door of the museum

Exterior and front door of the museum

Sculpture garden

Sculpture garden

Inside, with a mezzanine level, families, security guards etc

Inside, with a mezzanine level, families, security guards etc

And of course, at the heart of the museum, a coffee shop!

And of course, at the heart of the museum, a coffee shop!